Written Documents
This page includes some of my written documents that display my writing skills and what I have learned while working on various different writing projects. The projects include:
Reflection About my Writing Skills
Throughout my time as a student, writing has been an integral part of my communication between peers, professors, and potential employers. I have written countless essays, emails, and texts between peers that have helped shape my communication. Writing was never my strong suit, so it is something that I have worked extra hard at to ensure that it meets my personal standard. I have learned many beneficial techniques that have helped me improve my writing skills. One of my previous professors told me something about writing that I still use, “An essay is written in revision.” While my professor mentioned essays, this can be used for any written document. He emphasized the importance of revising a document until you can’t anymore and then revising some more. I take this into account whenever I am writing essays or even emails. I re-read my written documents 2-5 times, depending on the document type, to ensure proper formatting, clear & concise language, and no grammatical errors.
While I have greatly improved my writing ability, I know that I can still refine my writing. Peer review has also helped with refining my writing. Oftentimes, getting a second opinion gives way to new ideas and is a great way to look at a document from a new perspective. Additionally, it gives an idea of how your potential audience may interpret the writing, which is an important factor to consider when preparing a written document. In business, where communication is extremely important, it is more important to be concise than to use complex language. The following are a few examples that show my communication through written language.
Email Revision

I was tasked with revising an email meant for the entire employee staff. The original email was very wordy, and certain parts seemed condescending. The tone of the email was disarranged, and the subject line was inappropriate. I made corrections accordingly, fixing the grammatical errors, formatting the tone and structure, and rewording the condescending sentences while providing appropriate comments on why the suggested edits were made.
I made a separate document with a fully rewritten email including my suggested edits and more, as it can be difficult to read through so many edits.

This is a reply to my boss’s original email, along with the attached pdfs for revision. The reply itself showcases a proper subject line and clear language within the contents of the email.
Linkedin Post
I was required to attend an event hosted by my school’s Career Management Center (CMC). I took part in the AT&T career exploration event. It had valuable information on what AT&T looks for in its candidates. This also showcases my ability to properly format a LinkedIn post, which is available for all employers to see. Although my goal isn’t to only look at AT&T, I learned how to use the CMC and its resources to help me further my career. They provide helpful services that I take advantage of regularly, and will continue to use their resources to the fullest.

Data Tracking
Using Excel, I tracked the number of hours spent on my phone and split it into the following categories: Social, Travel, Information & Reading, Productivity & Finance, Entertainment, and Creativity. I made a presentation slide showing the different categories and their percentages of the whole.

I also used Excel functions to create visually appealing graphs to display the data. Here is a stacked bar chart that shows that most of my hours are spent on social apps. Between 15-20 hours each week.

Here is a Bar Chart excluding the Social category to get a better sense of visualization.
What I learned
Through tracking my screen time, I’ve learned that I use my social apps too much. This could be valuable time assigned to other, more important tasks. This was a great way of learning where my time is being used, and going forward, I plan to limit my social usage and be more productive. Because of the extreme outlier, this is not an accurate representation of my overall screen usage, including my laptop and computer. It would be interesting to keep track of my screen time on other hardware to truly see where and what I’m spending my time on.
Email Template for Real Estate
During the hot season in real estate, I was constantly sending emails back and forth between my clients, mentor, and other realtors, so much so that I decided to make an email template to introduce my clients to my services. I sent this type of email to nearly a hundred people, and this template made it much easier and faster to communicate. It answered some of the most asked questions I got from clients, such as “How much do your charge?” or “What price should we offer for this property?”

I was able to communicate effectively with my clients and give them a proper understanding of my services and what to do moving forward in a timely manner. This isn’t something I developed instantly. It took some time after being a realtor to realize that I was answering repetitive questions to different people and that it would save me a lot of time to make templates.
Cover Letter
Before I began applying to internships, I only had my resumé to show. When some internships required a cover letter, I decided to spend some time making an effective cover letter that lists my strengths and goals. I also got the chance to put some references which I previously omitted from my resumé.

This final draft of the cover letter came to fruition after multiple revisions and reformatting. Using this cover letter, I was hearing back from more employers about potential internships and getting more interviews.